Saturday, September 17, 2011

Settling in...

Sorry, friends, it's been a while. I feel like I begin my most recent posts like that. My apologies. But, here's the deal, life is crazy and I don't feel like I have a ton of profound wisdom to impart upon you. Alas, I'll explain a few things that my life has been consisting of as of late.

Well, I'm in my new apartment!!! Technically, I moved in 3 weeks ago, but you didn't know that. I love it! I love living on my own. Not in a sense of "I'm breaking free from the stronghold of my childhood," but in a sense of "I'm so thankful to come and go as I please, decorate how I choose, and entertain my own agenda." Selfish? Marginally. Not only am I settling in to my apartment, but I'm also adjusting to Nashville life. I'm steadily figuring it out. Figuring out how to get from place to place and when and where to go at certain parts of the day. One thing that has been interesting for me to grasp is that fact that I have to get on the interstate to go anyway. In Gatlinburg, I live 45 minutes from the interstate; therefore, it's no a common occurrence. But, here, it's an everyday thing. I'm getting used to it!

I'm settling in to my job. I love it, too! Mainly, I love and am encouraged by the folks I work with. They are awesome. And while I may not always feel like proofing programs, attending meetings, and mailing packages is advancing the Gospel, I know that the strategic planning and work I'm participating in is helping equip churches present the Gospel to kids, specifically.

Something fun!!! Some of my friends and I did the Warrior Dash today. It's a 3.15 mile race with 12 different obstacles to challenge you. Some include: climbing over junk cars, leaping over fire, and crawling through a mud pit while ducking under barbed wire. Intense? Yes! Tough? Yes! Amazingly fun? OF COURSE!!!!! Here are my friends and I at the end of our race (the two clean ones hadn't ran yet, clearly.)