Friday, August 5, 2011

A Story from Old...

So, I don't really have anything insightful to say from me personally. I'm working on a post about camp this summer, but haven't quite gotten it where I want it to be. I do, however, have some very insightful words from my great-grandmother.

Yesterday, when I went to visit my Mamaw, she gave me a few sheets of paper that my great-grandmother (her mother) had written upon almost 40 years ago. The following story was written by an amazing Christian woman with an 8th grade education. She grew up only going into town 3 times a year, but her words were eloquent and her heart was all for the Lord. The coming lines were written by Pauline "Mamaw Pauline" McGaha, my great-grandmother.

Stormy Weather in a Christian Life

We, as human beings, know life isn't smooth sailing as we sail upon the sea of life. Maybe some days will seem ideal, without any trouble. Then, we are prone to take our eyes off of the Lord--we forget from whence cometh out help, so on we go in out own way. Pretty soon a storm cloud arises and dims our sunshine. Then, we are in for trouble. our little boat may be tossed to and fro as the strong winds hit us--then, we almost sink into the deep. It it then we remember where out help must come from. Have you ever been so overwhelmed with storms of sorrow that you almost lost sight of the Savior? Have you ever let something else creep in, and you tend to take your eyes off of Jesus? Out little boat may overturn in this sea of life unless we cling to the One who is able to steer us through these storms; He is ever present.

Sometimes we as Christians let such things as hatred, malice, greed and selfishness get in our ships. We feel we don't want anyone's help. Pretty soon we will find ourselves miserable, unhappy, discontent. Then in shame, we bow our head and say "Lord, help me or I perish." Then sometimes our very busy life takes our eyes off Jesus--too busy to help with His kingdom work, but not too busy for our pleasure trips, or games, fishing, picnics or whatever we enjoy most than serving God. It is then we slip a little more downward in our ship. THen when we finally realize out standing with the Lord, we again are about to sink, then we have to say "Lord, I need you again today." When storms beat us and waves roll high, cling ever closer to the One who calmed the sea as He said, "peace be still."

Let's not forget Him when everything is pleasant and we are enjoying life for tomorrow another storm may arise. In our lifetime, there has been lots of stormy weather, but He has helped me someway through it all. So I'll continue to sail my little ship until He says it's enough. Through storms or fair weather, trying to keep my eyes on Jesus. Them when it's all over, I'll step on the gospel ship that will take me over the chilly Jordan. There all storms will have ceased. We will have perfect weather and join our dear loved ones that await us on the other side, where ever heaven is that is my goal.

... May we all rededicate and consecrate ourselves to trying to throw our a life line to some of our friends that are sinking deeper and deeper.

These are some amazing words and ones that reign all so true in our lives today. So, I challenge you to keep looking upward and try to keep your head above water, because you never know when you'll have to be on high enough ground to throw someone else a life line.

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