Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Who is Important to me...

Day 6 Prompt: Who was important to you?

There were several people that are/were important to me. The Lord has blessed me with people who constantly encourage me and who love me for me. There are many people that I could write about. Many that I love and care for so much. Some are friends. Some are family.

- One of the most important people to me is my mom. She loves me and cares for me, even though I'm 4 hours away. She's always been the rock of our family and for that I am so incredibly grateful.

- Another important person is my best friend, Chloe. She knows me so well and can encourage me so much. She's there listen to my successes and my hurts, but she's also there to tell me when I'm being dumb. The Lord has used her to show me what's it's like to constantly present the Gospel to others and have a true heart for people and their situations.

- My brother, Ty, is another person who is important to me. Do we argue? Sometimes. Do we pester the heck out of each other? Of course. But I love him and have loved watching him grow up into a great young man.

Without these people, and many others, my life would look different. It would be weird. I hope that you have friends and family that are important to you. Tell them they are!

Here are more people that are important to me...


  1. It looks like you have a lot of love in your life. This is AWESOME!! Keep opening your arms and praying gratitude prayers.

    Nice to "meet" you today via #Reverb11~

  2. Thanks, Julie! Keeping reading. Keep writing.
