Friday, December 23, 2011


Who did you miss?

I’m not really a person who “misses” people. I’m perfectly fine moving away and being away from those I love. I don’t really get attached to people, for the most part. However, two people that I did miss this year are two people who have passed away in the past 5 years—my Nanny and my Papaw.

Nanny died 5 years ago and I still miss her every day. She was one of my best friends. She was the lady I most resemble; you can ask anyone who knew her. I look like her, move like her, and talk like her. It was tough graduating from college knowing that she didn’t get to see any of it. I know it’s been 5 years, but with every new thing that happens in my life, I still miss her.

My Papaw died this summer while I was directing at CentriKid. He had a stroke in March and never really rebounded. It was the weirdest feeling having to come home for the funeral after being at camp for 3 weeks. It was tough, yet honoring, being the family member chosen to read scripture and give the eulogy. I miss my Papaw a lot, but I know that he isn’t struggling anymore.

I know you all are thankful for that incredibly uplifting post. *sarcasm* Maybe tomorrow’s post will a little more fun!

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