Monday, December 5, 2011

New Discoveries...

Day 5 Prompt: What did you discover?

This a weird question. I mean, it wasn't like I went geocaching and found something cool. Am I supposed to share something tangible that I discovered? Something intelligent that enlightened me? I don't know! So I guess we'll see where this post goes, because, as of right now, I have no clue.

Something I discovered is that I'm much more of a people pleaser than I let on. While I don't mind going against the grain and doing (or saying) something off kilter, deep down, I was to please people. I want to make everyone's job easier for them, even if it's something small. If I can help inflict less pain or alleviate some pain and stress, I want to do that. This was soooo apparent to me when I was offered the job to come to intern in Nashville. I wanted so badly to take the job and to move away and try something different, but I knew how difficult it would make things on my family. I knew that from a financial standpoint, using my teaching degree and living at home would be much easier. But I felt called to come to Nashville and work at LifeWay and for CentriKid Camps. This decision weighed on me so heavily that I was physically sick for an entire week. I couldn't even eat. Every time I would try to make a decision, I would cry just thinking making life more difficult on my family. It was during this week when I discovered how much of a people pleaser I am. As you can tell, I'm in Nashville. I chose to do what I felt was right and what I felt the Lord was telling me to do. Was it difficult to tell my family this? Of course, but I'm so happy living here and living my life.

And that's what I discovered...

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