Friday, December 2, 2011

New Friends...

Day 2 Prompt: Who did you meet in 2011?

There were tons of new people that I met throughout 2011! I met some celebrities, added to my CentriKid family, and made some new, lifelong friends.

In January, I met my new cooperating teacher, Coach Dunkel, that I'd be teaching alongside. I literally could not have chosen a better person to mentor under while teaching 700 middle schoolers. She taught me how to love children, but still be a person that was respected by them. She also reinforced that making personal connections with kdis was the way to get them to follow you as an educator. I fostered healthy relationships with my students and was able to show them that I cared for them and cared about their education.

In March, I met my second cooperating teacher, Coach Babelay. She taught me how to show tough love to my high school freshman and to not get run over by them. She showed me how to be a stong female in the male dominated profession of teaching Physical Education and Health.

In May, I officially met my 2011 CK1 CentriKid team, 32 loving, caring, hysterically funny college-aged folks who became my family for the summer. I had the priviledge of leading and learning from these people as we traveled all over the southeast ministering to children and adults. This summer I learned their hearts and they learned mine. We laughed, cried, and grew together for over 2 months.

Here is my amazing new family from the summer of 2011. Dream Team!

In August, I moved to Nashville and began my job at LifeWay. I knew quite a few people, but have met some fun ones along the way. Some of the coolest folks I've met have been the Duggars. Yep, all 20-somthing of them. Seriously, I did! Some of us working the Kids Ministry Conference even to hang out with all the kids for several hours. We played Scrabble and even taught them the "Scramble" face (see pics below). We got to see their bus they travel in and hear about their lives. I asked them about life and their walks with Christ. we talked football and photography. They were a fascinating family, not a ton different than any normal-sized one. Below are some pictures of our awesome time together!

These are just a few of the many folks I've met over the course of 2011. Until tomorrow, friends!

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