Saturday, December 3, 2011

What I've Been Reading...

Day 3 Prompt: What books did you read in 2011?

I love reading, but this year I've been in a reading funk. I can't seem to get back into my love for books. There were times when I thought I was getting out of the funk, but once I finished a great book, it was back in it. I honestly attribute this to the fact that when I was in college, I read books to escape "real" homework. Weird, I know. Now that I have more free time, I'm having trouble rediscovering my passion for reading. That being said, there were a few books that I read and several that I am currently reading.

Books I Read in 2011
Gap Creek--Robert Morgan
Jumping Through Fires--David Nasser
Low Country--Anne Rivers Siddons
Twilight Series--Stephanie Meyer
Redeeming Love--Francine Rivers
Crazy Love--Francis Chan
Forgotten God--Francis Chan
The Last Song--Nicholas Sparks
Dear John--Nicholas Sparks
At First Sight--Nicholas Sparks
True Believer--Nicholas Sparks
Nights in Rodanthe--Nicholas Sparks

Books I'm Currently Reading
The Hunger Games--Suzanne Collins
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership--John Maxwell
A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael--Elisabeth Elliot

Books on My Shelf to Read
Christy--Catherine Marshall
Safe Haven--Nicholas Sparks
A Walk to Remember--Nicholas Sparks
Barefoot--Elin Hilderbrand
Adopted for Life-- Russell D. Moore

If you've read any of these, let me know what you thought. Also, comment with others I MUST read!!!

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