Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Day 7 Prompt: What do you hope to remember?

Oh gosh, there's so much I want to remember! This was a year of so many new and great things, and of changes and challenges. Here it goes!

I hope to remember...

- when I woke up during J-Term to 7 inches of snow on the ground.
- the Maryville College's only snow day in a decade.
- when my best friends and I used cafeteria trays as makeshift sleds.
- the time my friends and I made a music video to "Forget You" Glee Cast version.
- how much fun I had student teaching.
- when one of my middle school students told me something inappropriate because I "wasn't REALLY a teacher. I was fun!"
- getting tackled while student teaching.
- how tough the decision was to take my job in Nashville.
- how accomplished I felt having my thesis published in MC library.
- walking across the stage at graduation as cum laude.
- how nervous I was before training week for CentriKid.
- how dumb I felt in front of my team for the first few days.
- the bird pooping on my head and "breaking the ice" for the Dream Team.
- how quickly I fell in love with CK1.
- praying with Chloe about tough conversations at training week.
- my first week of camp without Andy there.
- how humbled I was when I was sick at Campbell University.
- when one of my best friends, Lauren, came to visit at Shocco.
- my and Kaci's epic budget ride to Shocco. Best shotty ever!!!
-how fun it was to do crazy voices with Kaci and my brother. Sparkles! YAY!!!
-Fort Time!
- how truly amazing my first year of directing a team at CentriKid was.
- what it feels like to see kids come to know the Lord. Beautiful.
- how great it was to officially move to Nashville.
- how much I freaked out when Chloe cut my feather out of my hair.
- the ridiculous "gas station" convos Lauren and I have had.

I want to remember the special moments I've had with others this year and how I've grown to learn and admire the hearts of those around me. I hope and pray that the Lord will constantly remind me of Him and his love for me and others.

You probably stopped reading quite a while back, there are so many more moments I want to remember and cherish, but there is honestly too many to type.

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