Friday, December 9, 2011

What Scared You in 2011...

Day 9 Prompt: When were you scared?

I can't think of a ton of times when I was scared this year. There were times when I was nervous about my future, but not exactly scared. I can, however, think of one time when I was physically scared....

At our final camp location, Norman Park, we were using the cafeteria's kitchen to cook dinner (this was all approved by our site contact). I had to go into the caf for a few things and it was really dark because I couldn't find the light switch so I was already pretty freaked out going in there anyway. As I was walking quickly around the corner towards the door, one of my sweet staffers, Jensen, popped up and scared the crap out of me. I thought I was seriously going to pee my pants!!! After I freaked out for a second we both fell on the floor laughing. Great times!

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